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It's Hail Season.

March brings the prospect of Spring, but also the beginning of Hail Season—and the southeast is no stranger to the impacts of hail. It's imperative that you prepare your home and protect your roof against high winds and large hail impacts. Did you know?

For every $1 invested in preparation, you save an estimated $4 - $6 in future disaster recovery costs.

Hail storms can develop quickly and without much warning. Not every storm produces hail, so planning ahead can provide you peace of mind. If a storm is on its way, follow along for tips to help guard your home and property against the damaging effect of hailstorms and avoid costly, time-consuming repairs.

Prepare your Roof

Your roof is the first line of defense against the elements. When your roof fails, it leaves the rest of your home and its contents vulnerable to damage. Be sure to inspect your roof at the beginning of hail season to identify any areas that are more susceptible to hail damage. Replace damaged shingles and flashing without delay as even a small dent can lead to expensive issues down the road. While you're at it, clean out gutters so that heavy rain can drain properly during a storm. If you aren't comfortable climbing your roof, call a professional to conduct an inspection.

Trim your Trees

Trees pose a large threat to your home during a severe storm, as branches can be torn down by high winds and powerful hail impacts. Smaller plants near windows can also penetrate your windows. Trim all loose, dead, or weak tree and shrub branches that could potentially become loose during a storm and discard them in a safe place. Keeping a well-maintained lawn can help eliminate the risk of hail damage during a storm.

Secure your Belongings

Trees and faulty roofs aren’t the only hazards that pose dangers during a storm. Personal items such as patio furniture, decorative landscaping, misplaced toys and bikes are easy targets for hail. Additionally, high winds or tornado warnings require secured belongings unless you want them to become airborne targets. We recommend bringing all loose items indoors, and all outdoor furniture be tied down depending on its weight.

Although hail & high wind storms don’t take bad timing into account, our project managers are actively responding to FREE INSPECTION REQUESTS all throughout affected areas, while proactively practicing social distancing. If you are included in those affected, send us an email to & we will have your no obligation inspection scheduled within 24 hours! We will send you a digital assessment of our findings and will lead the way throughout the claims process.

Visit our Storm Damage page to learn more.

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